Wednesday 9 March 2016

Room 6 news

Welcome to Room 6's blog! 

Here is a glimpse into some of our exciting learning experiences so far: 

In maths we've been learning how to follow the problem-solving process. We are also learning to use the Growth Mindset and think positively. For example, instead of saying "This is too hard" we say "This may take time." Or instead of thinking ' I can't do this' we think 'I can't do this yet'. We work collaboratively, helping each other. 


In drama some of us have been role playing our reading books and sharing them with the whole class.

As part of our concept learning we have been thinking and questioning about what makes a healthy lunch. We've been learning about the different food groups and why a balance is important for our growing bodies and brains. We looked at school lunches from around the world and thought about how our ideas can change, depending on where you live and the choices you have.

We agreed these lunches were healthy and yummy! 

We all see the world differently and when we first thought about how other children travelled to school, we could only think of driving, cycling or walking. But when we saw how some other children actually went to school, we really questioned the importance of school and how other children's perspectives may differ from ours:

In Room 6 we've also been thinking about how our knowledge and ideas can change when we encounter new experiences. For example, this Monday we were set a challenge; to make a bridge strong enough to hold a toy car. We could only use one piece of A4 paper and we could only cut it once. We were not allowed any glue or sticky tape. We thought this would be 'The impossible bridge'! But when we set to work in groups, we kept trialling different ways until we came up with ideas to create a bridge that could work. Afterwards we all agreed that our thinking had changed; it was not an impossible bridge any more! And we can come up with our own new ideas. We are creative thinkers; we are Innovators!